Saturday, October 20, 2007

EEJA Autumnal Equinox Contest Winner = ME!!

Awhile ago, I signed up to receive the monthly newsletter from the Etsy Eclectic Jewelry Artisans. In doing so, I was entered into their monthly drawings. Well, guess who won their Autumnal Equinox drawing? Yup, you guessed it! I was one of three lucky ladies to wins fabulous jewelry, makeup, and a gift certificate.

Yea!!! And finally, for the unveiling:

Patty of BrokenTeepeeDesigns included a very generous $50 gift certificate that I immediately spent, receiving this gorgeous set of earrings just days later. By the way, the packaging was super cute, too, but in my excitement, I forgot to get my camera out! Oops:(

Ahna of made a beautiful pendant of Sunstone and a Swarovski crystal with 12k gold filled wire.

Lovely earrings by

and a fun necklace from incorporating a Ming/Ching Dynasty porcelain pottery shard, I think...

Thanks again to everyone in the Eclectic Jewelry Artisans!
You made my month wonderful!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Exquisite Corpse Part Two

If you're unsure what an Exquisite Corpse is, this post will get you caught up.
If you have already read that post, then you know that I was waiting for someone to finish the head.

While in Nebraska, I decided to start an Exquisite Corpse in acrylics and pass it along to my crafty friends, D and Lili to finish. After our first craft day, the "feet" were finished by me:

and D still had time to start and finish the body...

but by the end of the afternoon, our corpse was left headless as we ran out of time for Lili to continue. However, a few days later, we were able to go over to Lili's house for another craft day.
Although Lili wasn't fully inspired with this project, we were able to talk her into finishing the head:

So, after unfolding the paper, we can finally unveil "Ever Evolving," by Lili Merritt, DRTD, and Carrie Strope: