Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cave Paintings

One of the examples I created for my students.
 The students entered the dark classroom to see a projected image of a cave painting on one wall. We looked at several slides of cave paintings, discussing and pointing out the animals we saw, talking about how the cave artists made their art with no paper or paints like we have today.
2nd-3rd grade classroom "painting" with chalk pastels.
 Then, the students got ready to make their own cave painting for the cave installation at our end of semester art show. We used crinkled up brown paper and charcoal and chalk pastels to draw our animals and symbols. The students learned how to draw with and then smudge and blend the chalk pastels.
Integrating symbols into our cave paintings.
 During the last 5 minutes of class, we played with real mud to add dots, lines and hand prints to our cave paintings. I can't wait to see everyone's reactions when the cave is all built. It will be a chance for the artists to rediscover their cave paintings and show their families their artistic talent.
Cave paintings created during the day : pre-K through grade 8